Eliminate Paper Receipts!

Paper receipts are inconvenient, but alternatives have been elusiveā€¦ until now. The most sophisticated electronic receipt available, ez-ceipt offers a convenient and safe replacement for anyone with a computer or smart phone.


Unlike any other electronic receipts:

ez-ceipt offers complete privacy. The information is encrypted at the source and decrypted after you receive it. No third parties have access to your purchase history.

Each user creates his own ID and key and remains anonymous.

ez-ceipt contains data, meaning that you can search, aggregate, query or create reportsā€¦ or you can just look at the receipt you would have received at the store! Search by date to find purchase information listed on your credit card statement or Quicken.

ez-ceipts do not arrive by email or SMS, therefore you do not have to share your email or phone number and face the onslaught of spam.

ez-ceipt does not require you to log on to a website to retrieve your documents.

ez-ceipt is meant to be universal and not specific to a given business - one ID, many stores.

ez-ceipt is stored locally but optionally remains encrypted on the cloud so backing up is never an issue.


What is the "ideal" electronic receipt?

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